From Raw Data to Actionable Insights for your Greenhouse Operations

September 20, 2024

In the complex environment of greenhouse operations, the ability to derive actionable insights from raw…

In the complex environment of greenhouse operations, the ability to derive actionable insights from raw data is becoming increasingly crucial. Koidra’s DataPilot supports growers seeking to maximize the value of the data captured within their facilities, offering a sophisticated solution that not only collects and centralizes operational data but also translates it into insights that drive informed decision-making and operational excellence. In this article, we’ll delve into a few core features of DataPilot, the benefits of actionable insights, and real-world examples showcasing its impact.

The Need for Actionable Insights

In greenhouse operations, data is abundant. From equipment status to environmental conditions to production outputs, a vast amount of information is generated daily. However, raw data alone is not sufficient. What operators and managers truly need are actionable insights—meaningful, timely information that can directly influence decisions and improve operations. DataPilot bridges this gap by converting raw data into insights using data aggregation and advanced formulas.

Core Features of DataPilot

Transformation of Raw Data into Actionable Insights

The true power of DataPilot lies in its ability to transform raw data into actionable insights, meaning the conclusions drawn from data can be turned directly into recommendations or warning signals (Smart Alarms). By consolidating data sources and providing flexibility to create advanced formulas to track custom metrics, DataPilot helps growers identify patterns, trends, and anomalies to establish more stable operations.

One example can be seen in the energy usage of heating and cooling systems. By continuously monitoring energy consumption patterns and environmental control settings in a highly customizable way, DataPilot helps growers identify patterns and inefficiencies in energy use. The system allows flexibility to integrate advanced calculations which provide tailored recommendations for optimizing heating and cooling systems to reduce energy consumption, helping to save growers time and money. 

Real-time Data Collection and Consolidation

DataPilot collects data from multiple sources within a greenhouse, including the climate computer system, machinery, and third-party environmental, irrigation, and lighting monitoring sensors. This data is aggregated and processed in real-time, creating a unified visual dashboard that serves as the foundation for generating insights across consolidated data sources. This is particularly valuable in dynamic environments where conditions can change rapidly. By offering up-to-the-minute insights, DataPilot empowers growers to proactively manage and quickly respond to emerging issues within the greenhouse.

For example, DataPilot collects real-time data on nutrient levels (EC & pH) and plant uptake through irrigation and drainage volumes. This allows growers to easily fine-tune their fertilization strategies to ensure optimal nutrient delivery without the need for manual sampling. 

Growers can optimize their fertilization strategy and monitor irrigation dose/volume against outside radiation based on real-time insight via Koidra’s DataPilot dashboard.

Smart Alarms and Notifications

With increasing variability in external weather conditions, it’s critical for growers to have safety systems in place to monitor the internal environment to ensure a healthy crop and reduce the need for manual monitoring. Additionally, as growers adopt advanced smart control systems, such as our KoPilot technology, it’s essential to have safeguards in place to reduce risk in the system. To ensure that critical issues are acted upon promptly, DataPilot features a Smart Alarm system that notifies operators of significant events in real-time. These alarms can be configured to trigger based on predefined thresholds or specific intersecting conditions related to the internal and external climate, irrigation, and lighting levels. DataPilot’s Smart Alarms feature gives growers more control over their alert systems than the current capabilities of existing climate computers, enabling more proactive responses and better production.

One use case is the detection of leaf temperatures below the current dew point within the greenhouse to help prevent leaf condensation. By providing timely notifications, DataPilot helps operators take immediate corrective actions and prevent potential issues from escalating.

The Benefits of Actionable Insights

Enhanced Decision-Making

Actionable insights are the cornerstone of informed decision-making. With DataPilot, operators and managers gain a clear understanding of their operational data, allowing them to make decisions that are backed by accurate and timely information. This leads to more effective strategies, optimized processes, and improved overall performance.

Near-Term Cost Reduction

One of the most significant advantages of actionable insights is the potential for cost reduction. DataPilot helps identify areas where resources are being wasted or where processes can be optimized to reduce costs, such as energy, water, and CO2 usage. These insights translate directly into financial savings for growers without major investments in new infrastructure.

Improved Yield and Quality

DataPilot provides insights that help operators fine-tune their processes to maximize yield and ensure consistent quality. DataPilot can assist in monitoring environmental conditions to provide growers the optimal recommended adjustments to maximize plant growth conditions or manage pests and diseases.

For example, in a recent tomato greenhouse, DataPilot calculated the 24-hour average temperature to identify when it fell below the optimal 18°C (64°F) range. Using user-defined Smart Alarms, the system recommended increasing night time heating, while closing the vents and curtains to increase the temperature. Growers implemented this adjustment to ensure the environment stayed within the ideal range. This proactive management led to healthier plants and increased yield. 

Growers adjust the greenhouse heating system according to DataPilot’s recommendation, promoting better tomato growth and yield.

Current DataPilot Applications from our USDA-funded ADVANCEA Project

Within our USDA-funded ADVANCEA project, aimed at helping greenhouse growers improve their operations, Koidra has established DataPilot across our research university partners, including The Ohio State University.

Dr. Changhyeon Kim also added “DataPilot has been an invaluable tool in providing actionable insights via its Smart Alarms. By calculating the Weekly Light Integral (WLI) from photosynthetically active radiation sensors using a sophisticated formula, I was able to develop a precise rule for Smart Alarms to notify us when leaf pruning is necessary. The rule is designed to alert us once daily if the WLI falls below a specific threshold, indicating the need to remove three leaves. This targeted approach has streamlined our maintenance process and ensured timely interventions, significantly enhancing our operational efficiency. I highly recommend DataPilot for its powerful capabilities in monitoring and automation.”

Moreover, DataPilot’s intuitive interface empowers growers to effortlessly navigate through vast amounts of data and swiftly access valuable insights. Kubota added “What I like the most is that DataPilot allows me to easily show sensor readings from the climate controller and separately installed sensors in the same dashboard. Another feature I like is that creating new insights using raw data and advanced calculations is relatively simple.” 


Key Features of DataPilot discussed above:

  • Transformation of Raw Data into Actionable Insights
  • Real-time Data Collection and Consolidation
  • Customizable Dashboards for Insight Visualization
  • Smart Alarms and Notifications

In the world of greenhouse operations, data alone is not enough. What truly matters are the insights derived from that data—insights that drive better decision-making, enhance production, and reduce costs. Koidra’s DataPilot is designed to provide these actionable insights, transforming raw data into a powerful tool for operational excellence. By leveraging advanced technologies and real-time analytics, DataPilot helps growers achieve their goals and stay competitive in a rapidly changing landscape.

Learn how DataPilot can enhance your greenhouse efficiency

If you’re ready to transform your operations with DataPilot, contact us for more details and to schedule a demonstration. Let DataPilot help you unlock the full potential of your data and drive your facility toward greater efficiency and success.

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